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屋宇署表示,現正在審議有關的建議,以確保有關鋼筋符合批准圖則及《條例》和相關規例的規定,以確保樓宇安全,並釋除疑慮。 屋宇署又表示,一向重視建築工程的施工質量,會就事件進行調查,若發現有人或承建商違反《條例》的規定,定必嚴肅跟進,包括考慮對相關人士及承建商提出檢控及/或紀律處分。 The BD received reports from members of the public about the quality of the rebar used in the Mariners' Club redevelopment project at 11 Middle Road between September and November 2023. The project RSE was then contacted and requested to submit the test reports of the rebar used in the redevelopment project, so as to ensure the compliance with the approved plans, as well as the requirements of the BO and allied regulations. The test reports for a total of 17 batches of rebar submitted by the project RSE have demonstrated compliance with the approved plans and with the requirements of the BO and allied regulations and no irregularity on the quality of rebar was found. Nonetheless, the test reports for one batch of rebar (involving 29/F to 39/F of the project) revealed that the batch was originally intended to be used in another development project at No. 105-113 Ta Chuen Ping Street, Kwai Chung. The RSE also explained that the rebar in question had been sampled and tested in accordance with the construction standards upon arrival at the Kwai Chung development site, but some of it was later delivered to the Middle Road site for use.

As the test reports themselves were not sufficient to prove that that particular batch of rebar which had passed the test was indeed the same batch that was delivered for use at the Middle Road site, the BD then requested the RSE for an explanation. In this regard, the RSE proposed in mid-January this year to randomly open up part of the cast structures, in which that batch of rebar had been used, and to take rebar samples for testing to verify compliance with the approved plans and relevant statutory standards. The BD is now scrutinising the proposal so as to ensure that the rebar in question complies with the approved plans, the BO and allied regulations, thereby ensuring building safety and removing any doubts.

The BD has always attached great importance to the quality of building works. The BD will conduct an investigation into the incident. If it is found that a person/RC has breached the provisions of the BO, the BD will take follow-up actions seriously, including instigating prosecution and/or disciplinary action against the person/RC.





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