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《全民新聞台》[港聞 ]九龍灣MegaBox懷疑有人持手槍物體 警方搜索後料屬誤會



今日下午約2時半,警方接報指九龍灣Megabox商場16樓停車場內,懷疑有4名人士手持槍械狀物體在一輛銀色私家車內,大批警員持衝鋒槍及穿著防彈背心趕至商場搜查,並封鎖停車出入口,惟未見涉案私家車及有關人士,其後警員在商場樓層進行搜索亦無發現。警方經了解後,不排除有人帶氣槍到商場18樓有一間War Game場所玩耍時引起誤會。

Police responded to a report of four individuals suspected of carrying gun-like objects in a silver private car parked on the 16th floor of Kowloon Bay's Megabox mall, at around 2:30 pm this afternoon. Upon arrival, a large number of police officers armed with submachine guns and wearing bulletproof vests conducted a search and blocked the entrances and exits of the parking lot. However, no suspect vehicle or individuals were found. Subsequently, the police conducted a search on the mall floors but found nothing. After investigation, the police did not rule out the possibility that someone had brought an airsoft gun to play at a War Game venue on the 18th floor of the mall, causing a misunderstanding.

文 : Area 51

攝 : Loki





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