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《全民新聞台》[主題]疑兇為鄰居女兒男友 男子疑欠債爆竊行兇






Kwai Fong Kwai Fong House Murder Case: A 63-year-old woman (Leung Suk-king) was found murdered in her unit, and the perpetrator fled the scene afterwards. It was reported that the suspect was the boyfriend of the neighbour's daughter and had fled to Japan after the incident.

According to reports, the suspect (Daren), 25 years old, had known the neighbour's daughter for three years since they met and became romantically involved. However, due to his gambling addiction and debts, he became estranged from his family. He moved to the Kwai Fong House unit to avoid his debts and lived with his girlfriend and her mother, who supported him financially. The girlfriend had gone abroad for further studies, and the suspect continued to stay at their home.

The victim had a good relationship with the girlfriend's family and entrusted them with a spare key to her unit, which unexpectedly became the motive for the crime. The victim was in the transportation business and worked from home. She kept jewelry, gold items, and some company documents in her home, and it is suspected that the suspect broke into the unit using the spare key and stole these items out of greed.






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