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《全民新聞台》[交通意外]彌敦道交通意外牽涉4車 超跑麥拿侖司機輕傷送院

作家相片: 全民新聞 CVRHK全民新聞 CVRHK




At 8:11 pm, a seven-seater car was preparing to make a left turn onto Shandong Street along Nathan Road when it was rear-ended by a taxi. The front bumper of the taxi loosened, and the rear of the seven-seater car was slightly dented.

While the two drivers were handling the situation, another car, a McLaren sports car worth about HKD18 million, was seen heading south on Nathan Road. It was suspected that the driver was attempting to change lanes from the slow lane to the middle lane when he was hit by a bus from behind. The McLaren then collided with the previously mentioned taxi, causing a dent in the taxi's right rear and minor damage to the McLaren's front. The accident involved four cars, and the driver of the McLaren was injured and had to be transported to the hospital by ambulance. The vehicle was then towed away by the owner's call to a tow truck. During the incident, traffic on Nathan Road was not severely affected.






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承印人: 全民新聞 CVRHK 

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