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《全民新聞台》[交通意外]秀茂坪混凝土車傾側意外 一名女途人受傷






At 5:35 pm, at the junction of Hiu Ming Road and Hiu Kwong Street in Sau Mau Ping, a concrete mixer truck was making a right turn into Sau Ming Road when it was suspected to have lost control and crashed into a roadside signpost, overturned, and destroyed a pedestrian railing and a lamp post. Initially, the driver of the concrete truck was trapped, but he later managed to climb out of the vehicle on his own.

During the incident, a 14-year-old female student who was passing by was hit by debris from the lamp post and injured, she had to be taken to the United Christian Hospital for treatment. The concrete truck had knocked over a roadside railing, and the road surface was covered in soil and mud spilt from the truck. As a result, the left turn from Hiu Kwong Street to Hiu Ming Road towards Sai Kung was temporarily closed, and the Fire Services Department's rescue team was present to ensure that no one else was trapped. The driver was not injured and assisted with the investigation at the scene.






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