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《全民新聞台》[交通意外]紅隧管道3車交通意外 私家車司機酒精爆標被捕






Drunk Driver Causes Accident, Injuring Four

A 28-year-old man caused a multi-vehicle accident in the Cross Harbour Tunnel early this morning, injuring four people. The man was driving his private Audi car towards Hong Kong Island at 3:13am when the Cross Harbour Tunnel converted to single-tube double-lane traffic.

About 100 meters into the tunnel, the driver lost control of his vehicle and crashed into the stone wall on the left side. He then crossed the center median and struck a taxi head-on. His car was thrown into the air and slammed into another taxi carrying passengers from Hong Kong Island to Kowloon.

Seeing the accident, tunnel staff called the police immediately. The driver, surnamed So, reportedly crawled out of his wrecked car himself but refused medical treatment for minor injuries to his fingers. Police administered a roadside breathalyzer test and found the driver's alcohol level exceeded the legal limit by 100 micrograms. He was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving.

The two taxi drivers were uninjured, but one of the passengers, an actor, suffered chest injuries and was sent to Queen Elizabeth Hospital for treatment, along with three other injured victims including the drunk driver.

This was not the first time the actor found himself in the middle of an accident. In February, the actor's taxi was hit by an out-of-control Land Rover after he parked in Chui Ping North Villa in Kwun Tong, damaging his taxi and two others parked nearby.

The police have not ruled out charges of reckless driving against the drunk driver, who remains in custody pending further investigation. Traffic in the tunnel has since returned to normal after the accident site was cleared.






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