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《全民新聞台》[國際新聞]德國新天鵝堡遊客襲擊事件 21歲女遊客被推下峽谷死亡

德國新天鵝堡遊客襲擊事件  21歲女遊客被推下峽谷死亡
德國新天鵝堡遊客襲擊事件 21歲女遊客被推下峽谷死亡


德國媒體報導,周三下午,著名旅遊景點新天鵝堡 (Neuschwanstein) 附近發生遊客襲擊事件,一名21歲女遊客被推下峽谷死亡。

報導指,兩名女遊客分別為21歲和22歲,與一名剛相識的30歲男子結伴前往新天鵝堡。當他們經過一條小徑到達遊客打卡勝地瑪麗安橋附近時,這名男子懷疑企圖對21歲女子進行性侵犯,該女子反抗,22歲的同伴試圖幫助,但被男子從橋上推下到50米高的陡峭峽谷。其後男子再將21歲女子推下峽谷,兩人受重傷躺在相隔50米的地上,21歲女子送院後傷重不治,22歲的同伴重傷危殆送院。疑犯於當天被捕,警方以「涉嫌謀殺」將他拘留調查。 警方今日下午傳媒發佈表示,疑犯是一名是美國公民遊客。兩名受害人身份及國籍,警方指受私隱保護目前不便透露,但呼籲任何目睹事發經過的人士提交資料協助調查。

A 21-year-old female tourist was pushed to her death in a tourist attack near the popular Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany on Wednesday afternoon.

The incident involved two female tourists, aged 21 and 22, who were visiting the castle with a 30-year-old man. When they arrived near the tourist hotspot Marienbrücke via a small path, the man allegedly attempted to sexually assault the 21-year-old woman. The woman resisted, and her 22-year-old companion tried to help, but was pushed off the bridge by the man and fell into a steep 50-meter-high gorge. The man then pushed the 21-year-old woman down the gorge. Both were seriously injured lying 50 meters apart, the 21-year-old woman later died from her injuries.

The suspect was arrested on the same day, and the police detained him for investigation on suspicion of murder. The police announced to the media this afternoon that the suspect is an American citizen tourist. The identities and nationalities of the two victims are currently undisclosed due to privacy concerns, but the police are urging anyone who witnessed the incident to come forward with information to assist in the investigation.

文 : 蘇菲





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