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《全民新聞台》[國際新聞]德國西部Ratingen市發生爆炸事件 多名警員及消防員危殆 嫌疑犯被捕




北萊茵-西法倫州的內政部長Herbert Reul表示,嫌疑犯的動機目前尚未明確,但據警方紀錄,該男子早有犯罪前科,原定在本周五因一宗案件在法庭應訊。另有猜測指嫌疑犯是一名「新冠否認」者,懷疑今次的動機可能與新冠否認運動有關。


An explosion in an apartment building in the North Rhine-Westphalia state of western Germany has left over 30 people injured, including a 25-year-old female police officer and a 29-year-old male police officer in critical condition, as well as seven firefighters, four of whom are seriously injured and three in critical condition. The majority of the injured suffered severe burns.

The incident took place in Ratingen, a city in North Rhine-Westphalia. Police and firefighters were alerted by a property owner who reported that the mailbox of a rented unit had not been emptied for some time, raising concerns for the tenant's safety. When they arrived, a 57-year-old man opened the door to the unit and detonated an explosive device, causing the unit to quickly catch fire and resulting in severe injuries to multiple police officers and firefighters. The police found a woman's body inside the unit, believed to be the suspect's mother, who had been dead for some time. The suspect was subsequently arrested at the scene.

Herbert Reul, the Minister of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia, stated that the suspect's motive is currently unclear, but according to police records, the man had a criminal record and was due to appear in court on Friday for another case. There are also speculations that the suspect may be a "coronavirus denier," and that the motive for the explosion could be related to the denial movement.

The explosion has raised concerns about the potential connection between the coronavirus denial movement and extremist behaviour. Authorities are working to determine the exact circumstances of the event and to bring those responsible to justice.

文 : 蘇菲





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