被封為搖滾樂女王的天娜端納 (Tina Turner) 24日在她位於瑞士的家中去世,享年83歲。天娜端納以她獨特的嗓音、充滿活力和性感的舞臺表演而聞名,曾贏得了八項格林美獎,她的專輯與單曲唱片全球銷售量超過1億8000萬張,此外,她歷年的演唱會所售出的門票,更是史上獨唱藝人當中最多的,顯示她的音樂成就在全球有著巨大影響力。天娜端納近年為一直存在許多健康問題,包括癌症、中風和腎衰竭 ; 她於十年前歸化為瑞士籍,定居於蘇黎世湖畔。
Tina Turner dubbed the Queen of Rock 'n' Roll, passed away at the age of 83 on the 24th at her home in Switzerland. Turner was known for her unique voice, energetic and raunchy stage performances, and had won eight Grammy Awards. Her music achievements had a huge impact globally, as evidenced by her albums and singles selling over 180 million copies worldwide, and the number of concert tickets sold by her being the highest among solo artists in history. Turner had suffered a number of health issues in recent years, including cancer, stroke, and kidney failure. She became a Swiss citizen a decade ago and settled by the lakeside in Zurich.
文 : 蘇菲
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