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《全民新聞台》[國際新聞]澳洲達令河數百萬魚群死亡 河段現危機

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數百萬條魚在澳洲新南威爾斯州西部城鎮門丁迪附近的達令河段 (Darling Baaka River) 死亡,魚群沿著河流延伸了數十公里。新南威爾斯州主要產業部表示,一月份洪水退去後,導致水中氧氣含量降低,形成低氧水平,隨著魚類腐爛,進一步消耗了水中氧氣。環境部長塔尼婭·普利貝塞克表示震驚,形容魚類死亡事件是悲劇。


有魚類生態學家表示,審查2018-19年期間,發現新南威爾士州西部的氣候發生了顯著變化,乾旱以至洪水的轉變急劇加速。該區域預計本周六氣溫將達 41°C,專家警告情況可能會惡化。生態學家李·鮑姆加特納教授補充,審查委員會建議應改善操作策略,使州和聯邦機構能夠更快地對潛在的魚群死亡事件做出反應,但迄今為止仍未得到實施。

Millions of fish have died in a devastating event near Menindee, a western New South Wales town in Australia. The Darling Baaka River has been hit hard, with the fish population dying off for tens of kilometres along its banks. The reason for this tragedy, according to the Department of Primary Industries, is the decrease in oxygen levels caused by the January floods. The fish have rotted, and the water's oxygen content has depleted further, resulting in the massive loss of life.

Tanya Plibersek, the Environment Minister, expressed her shock at the situation, calling it a tragedy. The local residents have also reported that the odour produced by the large number of dead fish is "unbearable," posing a significant threat to the river's health and the community's water supply. Cleaning up the dead fish is currently an overwhelming task due to the enormous size of the fish population.

Experts have noted significant changes in the climate of western New South Wales during the 2018-19 period, with a rapid acceleration of drought and flooding. The region is predicted to experience temperatures of up to 41°C this Saturday, with warnings that the situation may worsen. Professor Lee Baumgartner, an ecologist, has urged for improved operational strategies so that state and federal agencies could respond quickly to potential fish death events. However, despite the recommendations from the review committee, the necessary measures have not yet been implemented.

This tragedy is a reminder of the increasing frequency and severity of environmental disasters caused by climate change. It is a call to action for everyone to take better care of the planet and to do their part in reducing the human impact on the environment.

文 : 澳洲特派記者 湯湯





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