該決議認為,隨著中國經濟和全球影響力的增長,中國不再合適被歸類為發展中國家。這項法案的全名為「中國不是發展中國家法案」(PRC Is Not A Developing Country Act),在美國眾議院以415:0票通過。
該議案由共和黨眾議員金映玉(Young Kim)及民主黨的康諾里(Gerry Connolly)共同發起,金映玉表示,中國是世界第二大經濟體,佔全球經濟的 18.6%,經濟規模僅次於美國,應被視為發達國家,並指中國不公平地利用『發展中國家』的優惠條件,這些條件旨在惠及較貧窮的發展中國家,中國利用發展中國家的地位,持續在國際上操弄制度,佔有了真正需要幫助國家的資源。
U.S. House Votes to Revoke China's 'Developing Country' Status
The U.S. House of Representatives unanimously passed a resolution on Wednesday to work toward stripping China of its developing country status in international organizations. The resolution argues that China's economic growth and global influence mean it is no longer properly considered a developing country.
The 'PRC is Not a Developing Country Act' points to China's position as the world's second-largest economy, accounting for nearly 19% of global GDP. Bill sponsors say China unfairly benefits from preferences meant to aid poorer nations. As a 'developing country', China receives more lenient restrictions and longer timelines for policy changes. Revoking the status is a symbolic move to counter unfair practices and reflect China's actual economic strength.
However, critics warn the resolution could escalate tensions with China and provoke retaliatory actions that damage both economies. The impact depends on how it shapes broader U.S. policy. The unanimous vote demonstrates lawmakers' shared concerns over China's competitive threat and the need to address it through policy measures like this resolution, even as a fragile detente emerges on other issues like climate change.
文 : 蘇菲
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