23-Year-Old Japanese Student Charged With Sedition
A 23-year-old Japanese female student studying in Hong Kong has been charged with one or more counts of sedition for posting pro-independence messages on social media.
The woman, identified only as a 23-year-old foreign student, was arrested in March when renewing her identity card upon returning to Hong Kong, police said. She is accused of posting 22 pro-Hong Kong independence posts on Facebook and Instagram from 2018 to March 2022.
The student appeared at West Kowloon Magistrates' Courts today on a charge of "committing one or more seditious acts." However, her legal team argued the case was related to an earlier sedition case involving Tam Tak Chi, and requested waiting for the outcome of that appeal at the High Court.
The magistrate agreed and adjourned the case until August 2. The court also granted the student bail of HK$10,000 in cash and surety on conditions including deleting social media apps from her phone.
If convicted of sedition, the student faces up to two years in jail under the sweeping National Security Law enacted last year.
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