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《全民新聞台》[港聞]77歲老翁深水灣泳灘遇溺 尋回後送院搶救不治




Man Drowns at Deep Water Bay Beach

A 77-year-old man drowned while swimming at Deep Water Bay Beach today. Mr. Wong went swimming outside the shark net at the beach this morning as usual. When familiar swimmers could not find him leaving the beach for a long time, they reported to the police suspecting that he may have drowned.

Police and firefighters arrived promptly and launched a search and rescue operation. They deployed frogmen, helicopters and fireboats to search the waters. A helicopter eventually spotted Mr. Wong floating offshore of Ocean Park. They airlifted him out of the sea and sent him to the marine police station by fireboat. He was then rushed to Ruttonjee Hospital but died after emergency treatment.

Mr. Wong was a regular swimmer at the beach and often swam outside the shark net where the water was clearer. Friends said he loved swimming and was in good health. “He was a strong swimmer. We can't believe he drowned,” said a dismayed swimmer.






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