該名在囚人士患有慢性腎病及高血壓,一直需要接受院所醫院及公立醫院治療及跟進。今日上午5時41分,懲教人員發現他於院所醫院病床上昏迷不醒,立刻為他進行急救並召喚支援人員及救護車將他送往公立醫院作進一步救治。其後他情況惡化,延至上午6時43分證實不治。 懲教署已將事件通知警方,死因裁判法庭將進行死因研訊。據息該名在囚人士2004年在金鐘地鐵站向一列往中環方向的列車車廂縱火,被高等法院判處無期徒刑,案件亦為香港地鐵啟用後首宗列車縱火案。
An 86-year-old male person in custody who had been found unconscious in Stanley Prison died in a public hospital today (May 23).
The person in custody suffered from chronic kidney disease and hypertension. He required continuous medical care and follow-up at the institution hospital and public hospitals. At 5.41 am today, he was found unconscious in his bed in the institution hospital by a correctional officer. The officer immediately provided first-aid treatment to him and called for reinforcement and an ambulance to send him to a public hospital for further rescue. His condition deteriorated and he was certified dead at 6.43 am today.
The case has been reported to the Police. A death inquest will be held by the Coroner's Court. The person in custody was sentenced to imprisonment for the offence of arson in January 2006.
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