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《全民新聞台》[港聞]「開心香港」舉辦多項活動 全港戲院30元入場 周三首個美食市集


政府宣布展開一系列「開心香港」活動,活動包括在港島、九龍及新界舉行大型美食市集,全部免費入場 ; 首場將在本月29日及30日在灣仔會展舉行,入場券會在本周三於民政諮詢中心派發,市集舉行當日亦會即場派發入場券。另外,本周六將舉行全港戲院日,市民只需付30元可入場看戲等。


Government Launches Series of 'Happy Hong Kong' Events

The Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, hosted a press conference on the "Happy Hong Kong" Campaign this afternoon (April 24). Also joining were the Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung; the Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Miss Alice Mak; and the Executive Director of the Hong Kong Tourism Board, Mr Dane Cheng.

The Hong Kong government announced several free public events to boost morale and stimulate spending. Dubbed the 'Happy Hong Kong' series, the activities include large food festivals, an all-cinema day, and community celebrations across the city.

The first food festival will take place May 29-30 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Admission tickets for this event will be distributed starting Wednesday at district advisory centers and also on-site during the festival.

On Saturday, movie theaters will charge just $30 for admission to any showing as part of an 'All-cinema Day.' The discount aims to encourage citizens to enjoy entertainment options around town.

Financial Secretary Paul Chan said the government proposed the joyful events to complement signs of economic recovery. "We hope Hong Kong people can cheerfully participate in these activities together, not just witness the relatively strong revival of the economy."





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