今日早上約9時,警方接獲一名貨車司機報案,在觀塘鯉魚門道近觀塘法院對開與一輛白色七人車爭路,七人車態度惡劣起爭執,打爛貨車司機倒後鏡後逃去。警方根據貨車司機提供的資料展開通緝,在牛頭角截獲該輛七人車,期間司機欲下車逃走惟隨即被制服。警方在其車上搜出41包俗稱「K仔」的氯胺酮毒品,市值約25,000元,男司機亦因兩項未交告票罰款被通緝,於是將他即場拘捕。 被捕男司機36歲,報稱裝修工人,他涉嫌刑事毀壞及藏毒被捕。
Drugs and Road Rage: Police Arrest Violent Driver
Police arrested a 36-year-old man today in possession of illegal drugs and for damaging another vehicle during a road rage incident. The driver claimed to work in renovation, though officers found 41 packets of Ketamine, a stimulant, in his seven-seater van worth $25,000.
The arrest followed a report from a truck driver who claimed the van deliberately hit his vehicle near Kwun Tong Promenade and Kwun Tong Court. Words were exchanged before the van sped off, but not before its driver smashed the truck's rearview mirror in anger.
Police launched a search and intercepted the van at Ngau Tau Kok, where the driver tried to escape but was quickly subdued. He was also found wanted on two outstanding traffic fines, leading officers to believe violence and reckless behavior were habitual.
The man is suspected of criminal damage, drug possession, and driving without a license. If convicted, he could face heavy penalties including imprisonment and large fines.
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