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《全民新聞台》 [港聞]伊院病房羈留期間掙脫手銬逃走 男走犯被警方捕獲 懲教署委派委員會調查

伊院病房羈留期間掙脫手銬逃走  男走犯被警方捕獲
伊院病房羈留期間掙脫手銬逃走 男走犯被警方捕獲


荔枝角收押所一名64歲男性在囚人士因製作兒童色情物品罪而被還押, 他今日在伊利沙伯醫院越押。該名人士昨日因身體不適被轉送伊利沙伯醫院留院接受治療。今日上午約4時,該名還押在囚人士藉職員前往病房護士站時突然掙脫繫在病床的手銬並逃跑,在場懲教人員即時喝止追截,並隨即召喚支援及將事件通知警方, 期後於上午5時45分被警方捕獲。署方已委派一個調查委員會深入調查事件。


A remand person in custody of Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre escaped at Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) today (June 22).

The 64-year-old male remand person in custody was referred and admitted to QEH for treatment and hospitalisation due to physical discomfort yesterday (June 21). At about 4am today, he suddenly escaped from the handcuffs tied to the bed and ran away when the correctional staff went to the nurse station at the hospital ward. Officers at the scene immediately ordered him to stop, mounted the chase and called for reinforcement. The Police was also informed of the incident. The remand person in custody was recaptured by the Police at 5.45am.

The Correctional Services Department has appointed a board of enquiry to conduct a thorough investigation of the incident. The person in custody was remanded for the offence of making child pornography.

攝 : 林棟權





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