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《全民新聞台》[港聞]休班警醉駕鏟上行人路 將被停職調查

作家相片: 全民新聞 CVRHK全民新聞 CVRHK





Off-Duty Police Officer Arrested for Drunk Driving and Obstructing Police

A citizen reported to the police early this morning that a black private car was parked in the middle of the pedestrian crosswalk at the junction of Dundas Street and Nathan Road, blocking pedestrians.

When officers from Yau Ma Tei Police Station arrived at the scene, they found that the car had collided with a roadside lamp post and was left straddling the pedestrian path.

Upon searching the vehicle, the police discovered an intoxicated man inside who refused to cooperate. While two officers attempted to restrain the man, a scuffle ensued resulting in injuries to the officers.

The man was subsequently identified as an off-duty police officer, who also failed a breathalyzer test. He was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving and obstructing public officers from performing their duties.

The injured officers were sent to Kwong Wah Hospital for treatment. The arrested officer belonged to the North District Traffic Department. He has been suspended pending further investigation into the case, which has been handed over to the Mong Kok Detectives for follow up.

Off-duty police officers engaging in reckless behavior have severely damaged public confidence in the police force. The police urged the public to remain vigilant and report any such misconduct. Stringent punishment will be meted out to those found guilty of impeding police work through drunkenness and illegal means.







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承印人: 全民新聞 CVRHK 

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