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《全民新聞台》[港聞]佐敦地盤木板墮下 一名工人輕傷送院



Industrial Accident at Construction Site Injures Worker

An industrial accident occurred this morning at a construction site in Jordan, injuring one worker. At around 6:22 am, a crane at the site of the Water Supplies Department building under construction at To Wah Road was transporting goods when a wooden board is believed to have come loose and fell, striking a construction worker on the foot.

Eyewitnesses reported the accident to the police immediately. Paramedics rushed to the scene and sent the lightly injured worker to Queen Elizabeth Hospital for treatment. The worker was conscious when taken to the hospital.

The cause of the accident is still under investigation. Officials are looking into whether substandard materials or negligence on the part of workers led to the board coming loose and falling.






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