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《全民新聞台》[港聞]元朗電鋸兇殺案 已鎖定兇徒身分 消息指疑為死者繼子



On May 20th, a murder occurred on Kam Pok Road in Yuen Long. The victim, a 54-year-old woman surnamed Lau, was found dead at the scene. The police discovered a blood-stained electric saw and a butcher knife in the nearby bushes, adding to the horror of the crime.

After conducting an investigation, the police have identified the suspect as a 41-year-old man surnamed Leung who is believed to have known the victim. It is suspected that the suspect had a personal grudge against the victim, which led to this heinous act. The suspect has fled Hong Kong since the incident, and the police are currently conducting a manhunt to track him down.

文 : Area 51






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