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《全民新聞台》[港聞]內地孕婦訛稱不知情懷孕 向入境處職員作虛假申述 判監14個月





A Mainland woman was convicted of making false representation to immigration staff and was sentenced to 14 months' imprisonment yesterday (March 22) at the Shatin Magistrates' Courts.

The 26-year-old defendant previously arrived in Hong Kong as a visitor and she afterwards went to an Accident and Emergency Department for delivery without prior booking. The Immigration Department (ImmD) thus launched an investigation against her. During the investigation, the defendant alleged that she had no knowledge of her pregnancy at the time of arrival in Hong Kong and had no recollection of the situation of the then arrival clearance. However, upon subsequent investigation, investigators found out the defendant had conducted antenatal check on the Mainland prior to the arrival in Hong Kong and had retrieved the relevant antenatal check as evidence. Investigators further enquired the defendant and she eventually admitted that her real purpose of visiting Hong Kong was giving birth and she falsely claimed to ImmD staff that she was not pregnant during arrival clearance. The defendant was subsequently charged of making false representation to Immigration staff on her pregnancy status. The defendant pleaded guilty to the charge and was sentenced to 14 months' imprisonment at the Shatin Magistrates' Courts yesterday.





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