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《全民新聞台》[港聞]兩男爭執菜刀恐嚇 一男子涉刑恐及普通襲擊被捕



A 44-year-old man surnamed Choi was arrested on suspicion of criminal intimidation and common assault after attacking another man with his hand and threatening him with a 30cm-long kitchen knife on Kwai Fung Crescent in Tsing Yi. The incident occurred due to an argument over attitude issues between the two men. The victim, a 44-year-old man surnamed Tam, reported the incident to the police, who arrived on the scene and arrested Choi after a preliminary investigation. Tam sustained injuries and was taken to Princess Margaret Hospital for treatment. The case has been handed over to the fourth team of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Kwai Tsing Police District for further investigation.






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