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《全民新聞台》[港聞]國安取走國殤之柱 稱為「煽動他人顛覆政權」證物




In a recent development, the National Security Department of the Hong Kong Police Force conducted a search and seizure operation in the Yuen Long area under a court order. The operation resulted in the discovery of evidence linked to a case of "Suspicion of seditious intent." The evidence in question was identified as the "Pillar of Shame" sculpture, which had previously been taken from the University of Hong Kong.

The creator of the sculpture, Danish artist Jens Galschiøt, was informed of the situation this afternoon at 3 pm. It has been reported that the Hong Kong police did not contact Galschiøt about the operation. His representative has stated that they are currently seeking to discuss follow-up actions with Danish parliament members and are drafting a response statement.

Galschiøt had previously expressed a desire to retrieve the artwork personally, but due to concerns over the possible arrest, he has no plans to travel to Hong Kong at this time.






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