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《全民新聞台》[港聞]大埔唐樓單位拖板短路起火 男戶主被困火場搶救後不冶 另有7人傷






A fire broke out in a Tai Po flat early this morning, resulting in one death and four injuries. The fire started in Unit 3 of Tong Sau Square at 3:01 am. The victim was identified as Chan, 35, who lived in the unit with his 32-year-old girlfriend. They kept three pet dogs. When the fire started, Chan first helped his girlfriend and the dogs evacuate before becoming trapped in the bathroom. Firefighters found Chan unconscious and sent him to Na Tuk Wo Hospital, where he was pronounced dead hours later.

The blaze also damaged three neighbouring flats, injuring four people inside. A family of four in one unit suffered smoke inhalation and was sent to Na Tuk Wo Hospital, then transferred to Tseung Kwan O Hospital. The 47-year-old father, 40-year-old mother and 7-year-old daughter are in critical condition, while the 4-year-old son has serious injuries.

Two teenage brothers, 14 and 16, living in another flat had stable and serious injuries respectively. A 45-year-old woman in the third flat was hospitalized in stable condition.

文 : 呀爺

攝 : Loki





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