A Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department employee was stung by wild bees and fell into a coma this morning. He was sent to the hospital and later passed away.
The incident took place near Chi Ma Wan Country Trail on Lantau Island. The 64-year-old male employee of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department was stung by wild bees on his arm while working around 10 am this morning. He subsequently fainted and fell into a coma. His colleague immediately called for help, and the victim was airlifted by the Flying Service helicopter to the Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital. Despite efforts by medical staff to revive him with cardiopulmonary resuscitation, he, unfortunately, passed away. The victim had worked for the Fisheries and Conservation Department for decades and was in good health. The cause of death is pending autopsy confirmation.
文 : Area 51
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