天星小輪一名47歲姓鍾船長,當值通宵更期間猝死,天星小輪員工需連續25日上班的更表引起爭議。小輪業職工會理事長范強今日在電台節目表示,天星小輪曾諮詢員工,改成「返5日休1日」,船員普遍支持現有制度,大部分船員表示希望保留現有安排,工會未有接到任何投訴。工業傷亡權益會總幹事蕭倩文則表示,對工作安排感到嘩然,她認為,除非有緊急情況需要加強渡輪服務,否則想不到任何合理原因需要員工連續開工25日。蕭倩文促天星小輪提供兩個制度,供員工自行選擇每七日休息一日。目前勞工法例規定僱員每七日需有一日休息日,但條例亦容許勞資雙方協調,蕭倩文認為如容許協調形同法例變相無效, 無法保障員工。
Hong Kong Star Ferry captain dies after collapsing on a vessel in an industrial accident. The chairman of the ferry workers' union said that the company had consulted with its employees and proposed changing the schedule to "work for 5 days, then have 1 day off." However, most crew members support the current system and wish to keep the current arrangement. The union has not received any complaints about the current policy.
Siu Sin-man, the general secretary of the Industrial Accident and Compensation Rights Association has expressed outrage at the work schedule, stating that there is no reasonable justification for requiring employees to work continuously for 25 days unless there is an emergency requiring enhanced ferry service. Siu Sin-man has urged Star Ferry to offer two systems for employees to choose from: one that provides a one-day rest day every seven days and another that complies with the labour law requiring one rest day every seven days. While the labour law does allow for coordination between labour and management, she believes that allowing coordination could render the regulation ineffective and fail to protect the rights of employees.
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