Police received a report yesterday (19th) at 5:38 pm from a woman, claiming that her 3-year-old daughter had suffered inappropriate treatment at Tai Hang Tung Nursery School, resulting in injuries to her body. According to the media, the parent discovered that her daughter was bleeding from her genital area and had marks on the outside after school. The parent also stated that the daughter had previously reported being hit by a teacher, causing her to refuse to go to school. The parent took the daughter to Ming Ai Hospital on the same day for treatment.
After the incident, the police went to investigate Tai Hang Tung Nursery School. The school stated that they had reviewed the CCTV footage and found no suspicious behaviour by any staff members. They also stated that they would maintain contact with the Social Welfare Department and the Education Bureau and follow up on the matter. Our news team attempted to contact the school for updates on the investigation, but there was no response before the deadline.
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