觀塘及西貢民政事務處早前在聯合醫院急症室設立跨部門援助站外,沙田民政事務處亦在威爾斯醫院急症室設立跨部門援助站,為市民提供協助及查詢。聯合醫院急症室電話是2171 7426及3949 4000,威爾斯醫院急症室電話3505 1555。
In a recent accident on Tseung Kwan O Road, four tourist buses and one truck collided in a diagonal pattern. The director of Lam Tin Fire Station, reported that the fire department arrived on the scene at 1:05 PM with 18 fire engines, 43 ambulances, and 58 firefighters. Additionally, they dispatched a specialized search and rescue team to handle the situation. Three of the tourist buses were carrying approximately 180 students, while another was transporting a group of elderly travelers. It took the firefighters about 65 minutes to evacuate all 244 passengers from the vehicles. One bus driver was trapped in the wreckage, and it took the fire department 45 minutes to extract him. He was then taken to the hospital conscious. A total of 93 people were injured and taken to various medical facilities, including Kwong Wah Hospital, Elizabeth Hospital, Union Hospital, Tseung Kwan O Hospital, St. Mary's Hospital, Prince of Wales Hospital, and Eastern District Hospital.
The senior inspector and the second team leader of the East Kowloon Traffic Investigation Division, said that before the accident, five cars were driving to the location when a nearby taxi driver cut in front of them. One of the cars slowed down, causing the following green minibus and two tourist buses to also slow down. However, the vehicles behind them failed to slow down in time, causing the accident. The five drivers involved were tested for alcohol levels, and the surveillance footage from the vehicles has been collected for further investigation into the cause of the accident.
文 : Area 51
攝 : Loki
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