直播: 海關版權及商標調查科不良營商手法調查第一組高級調查主任李宗霖講述案情。
海關提醒商戶遵守《條例》的規定,而消費者亦應光顧信譽良好的商戶及留意商品的計價單位,並要求更詳細資料,包括所選商品的總價格,再作交易決定。根據《條例》,任何人在營商或業務過程中將虛假商品說明應用於任何貨品,即屬違法。而任何商戶如在交易過程中,遺漏或隱藏重要資料,或以不明確、難以理解、含糊或不適時的方式提供重要資料,因而導致或相當可能導致一般消費者作出某項交易決定,即屬違法。兩者一經定罪,最高可被判罰款五十萬元及監禁五年。 Hong Kong Customs today (September 5) arrested two salesmen of a medicine shop suspected to have applied a false trade description in the course of selling a proprietary medicine, and engaged in unfair trade practices involving a misleading omission in the course of selling Chinese medicines, in contravention of the Trade Descriptions Ordinance (TDO).
A Customs officer this afternoon, disguised as customer, conducted a test-buy operation at a medicine shop in Tsim Sha Tsui. A salesman was suspected of making a false claim in the course of selling a medicine by saying that it was a particular brand of medicine. However, the officer later found that the medicine was not the brand specified by the salesman.
Separately, the same salesman, during the course of selling three types of Chinese medicines, was also suspected of providing untimely material information about the total price of the Chinese medicines. The total price of the medicines was revealed only after they were ground by another salesman, and that the price was almost eight times higher than what was expected. Customs officers subsequently arrested the two salesmen, aged 49 and 32 respectively.
An investigation is ongoing and the two arrested men have been released on bail pending further investigation.
攝 : 黃芷澄 , 林棟權
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