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《全民新聞台》[港聞]尖沙咀錶行劫案 10歲及14歲男童涉作案 4人全部被捕


尖沙咀錶行劫案 4人全部被捕
尖沙咀錶行劫案 4人全部被捕


尖沙咀廣東道一間錶行前日(11日)遭行劫,劫去一批手錶、總值約370萬元。警方西九龍總區重案組於同日下午在飛鵝山並起回全部失物,拘捕2名分別19歲及17歲巴基斯坦籍男子,又在九龍灣一個停車場尋獲涉案私家車,並且起回一把牛肉刀及兩把鐵鎚。傍晚警方在港島東區再拘捕1人,為一名持巴基斯坦護照的10歲男童,相信該名男童手持鐵鎚行劫,警方今日於元朗區拘捕第4人,為一名14歲就讀中一的印度裔男童,與10歲的疑犯經同一圈子認識,後被招攬加入行劫。兩名疑犯犯案發當日懷疑逃學並身穿校服犯案。警方今日下午押解疑犯到錶行重組案情。 A watch store in Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, was robbed two days ago (on the 11th), and a batch of watches with a total value of approximately 3.7 million Hong Kong dollars was stolen. On the same day in the afternoon, the Serious Crime Unit of the West Kowloon Police District recovered all the stolen items in Kowloon Peak (Fei Ngo Shan) and arrested two Pakistani males aged 19 and 17 respectively. They also found the involved private vehicle in Kowloon Bay parking lot and seized a meat cleaver and two hammers. In the evening, the police arrested another person in the Eastern District of Hong Kong Island, a 10-year-old boy holding a Pakistani passport. It is believed that the boy was wielding a hammer during the robbery. Today, the police arrested the fourth person in Yuen Long, a 14-year-old boy of Indian descent who is currently studying in Form One. He knew the 10-year-old suspect through the same circle and was recruited to participate in the robbery. The two suspects were suspected of playing truant on the day of the crime and were wearing school uniforms during the robbery. This afternoon, the police escorted the suspects to the watch store to reconstruct the case.

文 : 湯湯

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