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《全民新聞台》[港聞]年初一花車巡遊 晚上尖沙咀舉行 李家超出席致辭



年初一花車巡遊 晚上尖沙咀舉行 李家超出席致辭

旅遊發展局舉辦「國泰新春國際匯演之夜」,行政長官李家超分別以廣東話、普通話及英文致辭,為活動揭開序幕。李家超表示今年的花車巡遊及30多個來自世界各地的表演團隊展示香港中西文化匯聚的多元特色,更展現香港高度國際化的非凡魅力他亦歡迎內地及海外遊客到香港過春節,指今晚的匯演內容富香港特色之餘,亦融合不同文化元素,民眾可以享受香港熱情洋溢的春節氣氛。 首輛花車及表演團於晚上8時15分。約傍晚6時,旅發局安排多個團體呈獻舞蹈、魔術、音樂等多元化表演,為現場觀眾熱身。今年活動主題為「龍騰香港賀新歲」,一共有9輛花車及29支表演隊伍表演,晚上8時開始,由香港文化中心出發,沿廣東道、海防道及彌敦道,以香港喜來登酒店外為終點。為配合警方人潮管制,港鐵尖沙咀站及尖東站部分出入口暫時關閉。



To our friends and visitors from around the world, Happy Chinese New Year! Welcome to Hong Kong's International Chinese New Year Night Parade.

I am thrilled to be here, with you, for one of the most spectacular, most anticipated, Chinese New Year celebrations in the world. We're all here to welcome the Year of the "Loong". In Chinese culture, the "loong" - people usually call it the dragon - symbolises nobility, good fortune and vitality. It's going to be a year of auspicious opportunities, and dragon-sized blessings for us all! And there's no better way to celebrate this first day of the year than with Hong Kong's world party, a night parade filled with fantastic floats, alongside more international performing groups and stars than this sparkling extravaganza has ever seen before.

And as dazzling, as unforgettable, as this evening promises, it's only the beginning! Tomorrow night, it's the annual Lunar New Year fireworks spectacular, lighting up our Victoria Harbour. And Hong Kong's vibrant, East-meets-West culture, will keep you dragon-dancing, day and night. Ladies and gentlemen, enjoy the parade and the parties. Enjoy it all. Only in Hong Kong. Thank you, and have a great Year of the "Loong", of the Dragon!





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