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《全民新聞台》[港聞]廉署起訴前警長欺詐互助社貸款76萬元 保釋候訊




被告被控4項欺詐罪名,違反《盜竊罪條例》第16A(1)條,他獲准保釋,周四 (16日) 在西九龍裁判法院答辯。

A former police chief has been charged with fraud by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) after being accused of falsely claiming that he had not obtained any loans from banks or financial institutions. The corruption case was exposed during an investigation by the ICAC, and the former police chief now faces four counts of fraud.

The alleged fraud occurred between August 2017 and October 2020, during which time the accused was a former police chief and a member of a savings and credit cooperative. It is claimed that he induced the cooperative to grant him four loans totalling over HKD 760,000 by making false statements that he had not obtained any loans from banks or financial institutions. However, it was later discovered that he still owed hundreds of thousands of dollars to two banks and one financial institution. The accused also underreported the total amount of loan repayments he owed each month to the two banks and the financial institution in his loan application.

The accused faces charges under Section 16A(1) of the Theft Ordinance and has been granted bail. He is expected to appear in the West Kowloon Magistrates' Courts on Thursday (16th) to enter a plea.

文 : Area 51





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