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作家相片全民新聞 CVRHK

《全民新聞台》[港聞 ]政府提醒使用八達通收取消費券 今月31日或之前使用滿3000元 下月才可領取第二期


政府醒兩期均以八達通收取消費券的市民,如因「合資格消費」累積總額未達3,000元的要求而尚未能領取第二期2,000元的消費券,須在7月31日或之前達到有關要求,才能在8月十6日領取第二期消費券。八達通公司會在今日起向仍未符合累積消費額要求的登記人發出短訊提醒,該短訊會以電話號碼9665 7134發出。




A Government spokesman today (July 21) reminded those members of the public receiving both the first and second instalment vouchers through Octopus that if they were not able to receive the second instalment voucher of $2,000 (Note) because their cumulative "eligible spending" is below the required $3,000 target, they have to meet the relevant target on or before July 31 in order to collect the second instalment voucher on August 16. Octopus Cards Limited will start to send SMS reminders today to those registrants who have not yet met the cumulative spending requirement. The SMS will be sent through the telephone number 9665 7134.

For those who have no remaining balance in their Octopus card but their cumulative "eligible spending" has still not reached the required target, they should first top up their Octopus card and make up the "eligible spending" with a view to meeting the relevant cumulative target.

For people who only meet the cumulative "eligible spending" target after July 31, the date for them to receive the second instalment voucher value will be postponed to the 16th of the following month after the target has been reached. For example, if the cumulative target is only met within August, they will only receive their second instalment voucher value on September 16. The cumulative spending requirement has to be met on or before October 31 this year at the latest.





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