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《全民新聞台》[港聞]新蒲崗四美街車房起火冒煙 凌晨升為三級



最新: 火勢於凌晨2時15分受到包圍。

Update: The fire has been brought under control as of 2:15 am.




On the evening of May 23rd at 8:11 pm, the police received a report from the security guard of the Lee Sum Factory Building on Sze Mei Street in San Po Kong, Hong Kong. The report stated that there was smoke and fire emanating from a garage, accompanied by reports of an explosion. The thick smoke from the fire filled the entire Sze Mei Street.

The fire department promptly arrived at the scene and evacuated parked cars in the vicinity. They used one hose and a team of smoke hood personnel to extinguish the fire, which was confined to the underground garage. Fortunately, no injuries were reported during the incident. Preliminary investigations by the fire department suggest that the fire may have been caused by a short circuit in the electrical wiring. The garage sustained significant damage, with estimated losses in the millions of dollars, including a number of motorcycles belonging to customers.

The fire is still not under control and was upgraded to level three at 12:23 am. The fire department is currently using two hoses and four teams of smoke hood personnel to extinguish the fire. However, one firefighter suffered from smoke inhalation and required medical attention. The firefighter was given an oxygen mask and placed on a stretcher before being transported to the hospital by ambulance for further treatment.

文 : 湯湯

攝 : Loki , Tyr





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