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《全民新聞台》[港聞]旅遊巴撼泥頭車車尾 8人輕傷送院



Eight passengers suffered minor injuries today in a collision between a tour bus and tipper truck in Tsuen Wan.

The accident occurred at 7:41 am on Cheung Sha Wan Ching Cheung Road towards Tsuen Wan, outside Ching Lai Court.

The tipper truck was driving slowly when the tour bus failed to stop in time and crashed into its rear end. The front of the bus was damaged in the impact.

Though shaken up, the eight bus passengers only suffered light injuries including abrasions and sprains. Some were sent to the hospital for treatment but discharged shortly after.

The collision briefly brought traffic to a standstill during the morning rush hour. Vehicles could only move slowly with delays and congestion extending for over an hour. Traffic began returning to normal levels after 9 am as the road was cleared.






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