Late last night, a fire started at Boundary Street and Sai Yee Street in Mong Kok where paper waste had been buried. Firefighters put out the blaze, and luckily no one was hurt.
After reviewing security footage, the police identified a suspicious man who had deliberately started the fire. They are now searching for this arson suspect.
Around 11:24 pm yesterday, a fire broke out at the corner of Boundary Street and Laundry Street, Mong Kok, at a pile of buried paper waste. The fire department quickly doused the flames, and fortunately, there were no casualties.
Analyzing CCTV footage, police discovered that an unknown man had purposely started the wildfire. The case has been classified as arson, and authorities are now locating the whereabouts of this suspected arsonist.
文: 湯湯
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