「盲搶鹽」熱潮源於有消息指出,含有碘的食鹽可解除身體輻射,但專家指出,必須消耗 3.5 磅的碘鹽才能獲得單片碘化鉀中所含的 130 毫克碘,以用於輻射緊急情況。專家表示,一次吃過多鹽並不健康。而且,一個健康的人,長期進食太多或每日累積過量碘鹽,有可能會導致高血壓、動脈硬化、冠狀動脈心臟病、中風,甚至是胃癌。專家呼籲,不建議大量攝取鹽分。
As at noon today (August 25), the Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department has conducted tests on radiological level of 138 food samples imported from Japan, which were of the "aquatic products, seaweeds and sea salt" category. No sample was found to have exceeded the safety limit. In parallel, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) has also tested 50 samples of local catch for radiological tests. Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) has also enhanced the environmental monitoring of the local waters. No anomaly was detected so far.
The HKSAR Government indicated today (August 25) that the supply of edible salt in Hong Kong remains stable, with stock sufficient for local consumption for around one month. Members of public need not worry about the supply or stockpile edible salt.
A Centre for Food Safety (CFS) spokesman pointed out that "there is no scientific evidence suggesting that intake of iodine-rich food and iodised salt will prevent the physical harm brought about by radiation. In contrary, excessive intake of iodine and sodium (salt) is harmful, particularly to persons who suffer from hypertension, heart diseases or kidney diseases. Therefore, we appeal to members of the public to refrain from purchasing and eating excessive amount of edible salt."
The staff of CFS has quickly surveyed the retails points. The HKSAR Government also contacted major supermarkets and noted that the supply of salt remains steady and stock remains sufficient. Some of the shelves for salt were not timely replenished due to operational reasons instead of shortage. Relevant retail outlets will actively follow up and replenish the stock of edible salt as soon as possible. Members of public need not worry about the supply or stockpile edible salt. With the view to enabling a better understanding of the members of public and the trade on the incapability of iodine-rich food like iodised salt in shielding radiation, CFS has provided relevant information via different channels, including publishing posts on social media, previous publications and thematic webpage.
文:黃芷澄 攝 : 林棟權
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