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《全民新聞台》[港聞]樓上酒吧撿2千元毒品 拘28人


油尖警區反三合會行動組今日凌晨突擊巡查一間位於漆咸道南的樓上酒吧,行動中檢獲約五克的懷疑氯胺酮、三支懷疑大麻香煙、少量「Happy粉」及迷幻藥,市值約二千元。警員於酒吧內拘捕一名三十歲姓羅男經理、三名本地男職員、四名本地女職員,及十三男七女顧客。年齡介乎二十至五十一歲,涉嫌 「藏毒」,現正被扣留調查。

The Yau Tsim Police District anti-triad action team conducted a surprise raid on a rooftop bar on ChatHam Road South early this morning. During the raid, police seized about five grams of suspected ketamine, three marijuana cigarettes, a small amount of "Happy powder", and psychedelic drugs worth an estimated $2,000.

The raid led to the arrest of eight bar staff members and 20 patrons. The manager, a 30-year-old man surnamed Law, and three local male staff were among those arrested. Also arrested were four local female staff members and 13 male and seven female customers, aged 20 to 51.

All eight staff members and 20 customers were suspected of drug possession and are currently detained for questioning. The confiscated drugs included suspected ketamine, marijuana, "Happy powder" and psychedelic substances with an estimated street value of $2,000.






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