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《全民新聞台》[港聞]機電署疑系統被入侵 部分網上服務暫停



• 註冊及許可證辦事處預約服務;

• 註冊電業工程人員網上持續進修訓練平台;以及

• 升降機及自動梯業界電子平台。


The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) today (May 20) announced that due to an abnormality found in the network system, it was suspected that part of the system has been hacked. For prudence's sake, the following online services have been suspended.

  • Registration and Permit Office Appointment Booking;

  • Online Continuous Professional Development Training Platform for Registered Electrical Workers; and

  • Electronic platform for lift and escalator trade.

A spokesman for the EMSD said, "We are very concerned about the incident. Initial investigation revealed that no leakage of personal data has been found. For prudence's sake, we will notify the persons concerned. In case of suspicious circumstances, they should report to the Police as soon as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience caused and will resume the services affected as soon as possible."

The spokesman stressed that the EMSD's information system complied with the Government's IT Security Guidelines. The EMSD has further strengthened the network security of the computer system to ensure no recurrence of similar incidents.







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