電動車生產商比亞迪,星期一 (12日) 4間分別發生於元朗、天水圍、尖沙咀及灣仔區的陳列室及服務中心被淋紅油,警方新界北總區反三合會行動深入調查後,以「刑事毁壞」罪拘捕4男1女,涉嫌與比亞迪多間陳列室被淋紅油有關。行動中起回並扣留三輛懷疑用作犯案的私家車。
被捕六人年齡介乎34至48歲,分別負責淋紅油、接載撞閘的同黨等,其中五個懷疑有黑社會背景。警方新界北總區刑事部署理警司 (行政及支援) 歐陽德表示,初步相信案件是牽涉糾紛,並非針對比亞迪這個品牌,會循財務、感情及私人糾紛等方向調查,以及調查動機包括被捕人背後是否有人指使,不排除更多人被捕。
6 Arrested for Vandalizing Electric Car Maker's Showrooms
Hong Kong police have arrested 6 people for vandalizing 4 showrooms and service centers of Chinese electric car maker BYD with red oil on Monday.
The suspects, aged between 34 and 48, are accused of criminal damage in connection with splashing red oil at multiple BYD showrooms in Yuen Long, Tin Shui Wai, Tsim Sha Tsui and Wan Chai.
Police seized 3 private vehicles suspected of being used in the crimes. Among the 6 suspects, 5 are believed to have triad backgrounds and were responsible for splashing the red oil and driving accomplices.
Superintendent said the vandalism was preliminarily believed to be a commercial dispute, not specifically targeted at BYD. Police will investigate financial, personal and emotional motives, and whether others orchestrated the attacks.
相關報導 :
文 : 林棟權
攝 : Loki
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