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《全民新聞台》[港聞]沙田城門河晚上發現一具女性浮屍 面容已難以辨認



Police recovered a woman's body from a river in Sha Tin this evening.

According to authorities, a jogger spotted what appeared to be a human shape floating in the Shing Mun River along Man Lam Road at approximately 9:08 pm. The jogger called police, who responded to the scene along with firefighters.

Using a dive rescue vehicle, emergency crews located and recovered the body. They determined it was a deceased woman, though her identity could not immediately be ascertained. The body showed signs of having been in the water for an extended period, and the woman's face was unrecognizable.

She was clothed in tidy attire including shoes, but no valuables or suicide notes were found. Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the woman's death.

文/攝 : 呀爺






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