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《全民新聞台》[港聞]沙田有圍板被吹倒擊中途人 6人受傷




Six pedestrians were injured today when a barrier board was blown over in Sha Tin. The accident happened at 11:12 am outside Sha Tin Plaza, on the footbridge.

A barrier board could not withstand the strong typhoon- force winds and was blown over, falling onto pedestrians below. The six victims included one man and five women. Four of them were sent to Prince of Wales Hospital for treatment. They are all conscious but suffered injuries.

The fallen barrier board measured about 10 meters long and 3 meters wide. After the incident, mall staff hastily cordoned off the area with ropes.

Powerful gusts continued to batter the city early this morning, affecting traffic and disrupting daily life. At one point, winds reached 90 kilometers per hour at the Hong Kong Observatory station in Central. Winds of 100 kilometers per hour were also recorded at Tsim Sha Tsui.






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