行動中,海關人員檢獲約九十七箱懷疑走私物品,包括急凍和牛牛肉,乾魚翅和二手平板電腦,檢獲一批懷疑走私物品,估計市值約一千八百萬元,案件仍在調查中。海關提醒, 走私屬嚴重罪行,根據《進出口條例》,任何人輸入或輸出未列艙單貨物,一經定罪,最高可被判罰款二百萬元及監禁七年。
Hong Kong Customs on August 8 mounted an anti-smuggling operation in the vicinity of Tai O, Lantau Island, and detected a suspected smuggling case using a speedboat. A batch of suspected smuggled goods, with an estimated market value of about $18 million, was seized.
Late that night, Customs officers conducted an anti-smuggling operation in the vicinity of Tai O and found several persons moving a batch of goods from a lorry onto four seven-seater cars. Also, some men were seen gathered at the seashore. Later, a suspicious speedboat was seen heading towards the seashore with its navigation lights off, and one of the seven-seater cars approached the seashore immediately. The driver of the seven-seater car and the above-mentioned persons quickly transferred the goods onto the speedboat using a slide, and were suspected of engaging in smuggling activities. Customs officers immediately took action, and the above-mentioned persons and the seven-seater car driver swiftly jumped onto the speedboat and fled to Mainland waters.
During the operation, Customs officers seized about 97 cartons of suspected smuggled goods, including frozen Wagyu beef, dried shark fins and used tablet computers. A lorry and four seven-seater cars, all suspected to be involved in the case, were also detained. An investigation is ongoing.
攝 : 林棟權
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