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《全民新聞台》[港聞]海關打擊跨境冒牌電子產品 拘捕三名男貨車司機

作家相片: 全民新聞 CVRHK全民新聞 CVRHK

海關打擊跨境冒牌電子產品  拘捕三名男貨車司機
海關打擊跨境冒牌電子產品 拘捕三名男貨車司機


海關打擊跨境冒牌電子產品 拘捕三名男貨車司機



海關表示將繼續加強巡查,嚴打各類冒牌貨,提醒物流公司依法核實貨品。被捕人士現正保釋候查。 Hong Kong Customs conducted a two-week enforcement operation from January 8 to 19 to combat counterfeit electronic goods activities involving cross-boundary transhipments. During the operation, Customs detected 19 related cases and seized more than 14 800 items of suspected counterfeit electronic goods, including earphones, mobile phones, computer tablets and electronic watches, with an estimated market value of over $10 million. Three men were arrested.

Through risk management and intelligence analysis, Customs detected 15 related cases at various express couriers and local logistics companies. More than 9 900 items of suspected counterfeit electronic goods with a total estimated market value of over $4.7 million were seized.  Moreover, through risk assessment, Customs detected a total of four related cases at the Tuen Mun River Trade Terminal and the Shenzhen Bay Control Point. Customs officers intercepted one container and three incoming trucks on January 9, 15 and 16, and seized about 4 900 items of suspected counterfeit electronic goods with an estimated market value of over $5.9 million in total. Three male truck drivers, aged 43, 60 and 63, were arrested.

Investigations of the above-mentioned cases are ongoing. The three arrested men have been released on bail pending further investigation.






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承印人: 全民新聞 CVRHK 

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