深水埗有私家車鏟上行人路意外。事發於清晨5時05分, 一輛掛上P牌的寶馬電動車,駛至元州街62至64號地下一間中醫館懷疑失控,剷上行人路直撞向跌打醫館的玻璃門及窗門,期間撞及另一泊在路中的7人車,由於衝力聲巨大疑有人被困車內,途人於是報警。救援人員到場發現司機不顧而去,被撞的中醫館3米X4米落地玻璃粉碎,經警方調查後將案列為「交通意外致財物損毀,意外後不顧而去」並尋找司機下落。 There was an accident in Sham Shui Po where a private car drove onto the pedestrian walkway. The incident occurred at 5:05 a.m.. A BMW electric car with a provisional licence plate (P-plate) was suspected to have lost control and veered onto the pedestrian walkway at 62-64 Un Chau Street, directly crashing into the glass door and window of a Chinese medicine clinic. During the collision, it also hit another parked 7-seater vehicle on the road. Due to the loud impact, it was suspected that someone might be trapped inside the vehicle, prompting passer-by to report the incident to the police. When rescue personnel arrived at the scene, they found that the driver had fled. The glass of the Chinese medicine clinic, measuring 3 meters by 4 meters, was shattered. After investigating the matter, the police classified the case as a "traffic accident causing property damage, hit-and-run," and they are currently searching for the whereabouts of the driver.
文/ 攝 : 林棟權
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