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《全民新聞台》[港聞 ]深水埗生果檔閉門後發生火警 無人受傷

深水埗生果檔閉門後發生火警 無人受傷
深水埗生果檔閉門後發生火警 無人受傷 攝 : 黃芷澄 來源:全民新聞


今日晚上8時46分,消防接報深水埗基隆街及桂林街交界有生果檔閉門後起火,冒出大量濃煙,消防出動一條喉及一煙帽隊灌救,大約45分鐘將火救熄,事件中無人受傷。初步調查無可疑,火警成因仍有待進一步調查。 At 8:46 PM tonight, the fire department received a report of a fire at the intersection of Ki Lung Street and Kweilin Street in Sham Shui Po. The fire broke out after the closure of a fruit stall, producing a large amount of thick smoke. The fire department dispatched one hose and one smoke helmet team to extinguish the fire. After approximately 45 minutes, the fire was successfully extinguished, and no injuries were reported in the incident. Preliminary investigations found no suspicious circumstances, and further investigation is required to determine the cause of the fire.

文 : 林棟權






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