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《全民新聞台》[港聞]港鐵因應機制提供半價優惠 因假期關係使用人數不多





In a recent move, MTR and the government have reviewed the fare adjustment mechanism and launched a half-price fare day. Commencing today and tomorrow, MTR will be offering a 50% discount to commuters who use Octopus or QR code payment. However, due to the ongoing public holiday, not many people are taking advantage of the offer, and some passengers are unaware of it. It's worth noting that the half-price discount is not applicable to single journey tickets.

Under the penalty mechanism, MTR is required to offer one day of half-price promotion for every HKD 25 million. Keeping this in mind, MTR will also host a half-price "Thank You Day" on May 13 and 14, besides the ongoing promotion. The move is expected to attract more commuters and help MTR to recover from the financial losses it has suffered due to the ongoing pandemic.






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