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《全民新聞台》[港聞]港鐵調整可加可減機制 利潤越高增幅越少





The Government and the MTR Corporation Limited (MTRCL) have completed the review of the MTR Fare Adjustment Mechanism (FAM). The Executive Council approved the outcome of the review today (March 21). The enhanced FAM will take effect starting from June this year.

Speaking at the press conference today, the Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Lam Sai-hung, said that the Government is clear in its review objectives to strike a balance between different considerations and needs, with a view to enhancing the FAM to bring about fare moderation for the public and strengthen the linkage between MTR fares and the Corporation's profit and service performance, as well as taking into account the long-term financial sustainability of the MTRCL, in order for it to reserve adequate resources to cope with the increasing expenses on railway maintenance and asset renewal, and co-operate with the Government in taking forward new railway projects that are beneficial to the society.

In addition, the MTR accident penalties will be increased. The maximum fine will be raised from the original 25 million to 40 million Hong Kong dollars; the delay penalty will also be increased from 5 million to 8 million Hong Kong dollars per hour, and the penalty for a delay of more than 4 hours per hour will be increased from 2.5 million to 4 million Hong Kong dollars.






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