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《全民新聞台》 [港聞]漆咸道北加士居道交通意外 兩鐵騎士受傷送院

漆咸道北加士居道交通意外 攝 : 林棟權 來源:全民新聞



今日凌晨1時,漆咸道北加士居道往紅隧方向發生交通意外,當時有兩輛電單車突然停在二線位置,後隨一輛乘有一名乘客的的士見狀收掣不及, 撞及兩部電單車,其中一部電單車被捲入的士車頭底部,另一輛則飛墮至隔離線,兩名電單車男司機均受傷躺臥於馬路上,需由擔架床抬上救獲車送院,送院時清醒。兩部電單車損毀嚴重,的士車頭損毀嚴重,司機及乘客均無受傷。警方正調查意外原因。

A traffic accident occurred in the early hours of this morning on Gascoigne Road Northbound towards the Cross-Harbour Tunnel. Two motorcycles abruptly came to a halt in the second lane, resulting in a taxi with one passenger colliding with both motorcycles. The collision caused one of the motorcycles to become lodged under the front of the taxi, while the other motorcycle was thrown onto the median strip. Both male motorcycle drivers sustained injuries and were found lying on the road. They were subsequently transported to the hospital on stretchers, but were conscious during transport. The two motorcycles were severely damaged, as was the front of the taxi. However, the driver and passenger of the taxi miraculously escaped injury. The police are currently investigating the cause of the accident.

文/攝 : 林棟權





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