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《全民新聞台》[港聞]火炭凌晨發生車禍 私家車失控撞柱著火 四人及時逃生


今日凌晨1時49分,一輛平治跑車沿沙田火炭穗和路往上山方向行駛時,疑因天雨路滑,私家車失控越過對面線,撞倒山邊一支燈柱後停下,其後車頭冒煙起火,車上兩男兩女包括司機及時逃生,無人須送院。 警方正調查車禍起因。 A sports car careened out of control early this morning on Sha Tin Fo Tan Sui Wo Road, crashing into a roadside lamp post before bursting into flames.

According to police, the Mercedes-Benz sports car was driving uphill at around 1:49 am when it skidded on the rain-slicked road and crossed into oncoming traffic. After striking the lamp post, smoke poured from the engine compartment and the vehicle was quickly engulfed in fire.

The two male and two female occupants, including the driver, were able to escape from the wreckage unharmed. No injuries were reported and an investigation into the cause of the accident is underway.

文 : 呀爺

英文編輯 : Area 51

攝 : Loki





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